Tuesday 23 January 2018

Queen Esther’s Inspirational Stories

Yes she has friends,  Yes she has family,  Yes she has best friends; she’s strong, smart, beautiful, she’s just 21 but she’s also  a fighter...
We are reprinting excerpts from Esther Daveta’s Blog (Queen Esther). It contains stories to inspire, written with heartfelt emotions to give hope….that spoken words cannot describe. PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK:  https://life9056.wordpress.com/
Dr V says, "Had I read these inspirational stories as a teenager I would have navigated life's many challenges more constructively! Be inspired to write narratives of your life's journeys through personal blogs."
A fighter who’s trying to uphold Godly values and morale. It’s hard being a ‘young ‘kirei' (beautiful-Japanese ) Fijian buiniga ’21’ girl with values and godly principles to uphold and stand for.
“Wow, she used to do this before, she was the one who….”,
“Is she really not gonna come with us to the club to celebrate ‘Lu’s 21st'”...
They all ridiculed her and stomped her with ‘her past’. This did not break her down but made her stronger than she was before. Lost some of her friends, her old habits, even the young blonde man that had promised to never leave her, left.
She realized friends, family & even the guy who said he’ll take a bullet for her,  causes you more pain than a bullet, will never keep their promises at times and that God is forever faithful.
Thing is society, has imprinted the thought that we should take revenge on those that have hurt us, that we should hate them, curse them & ignore them.  That’s what society, this world wants us to DO.
But as a young woman and man of God, what would you do. Like for real?
Be honest here! What would you actually do?
Now take that thought and compare of what WOULD Jesus do, more like what DID Jesus DO? *deep sigh* yeah, that’s right. He forgave. He showed love to those that cursed him & he hung on that rugged cross with OUR endless sins with him,  as his blood shed down his nailed feet. That’s what he did for US. That’s why, personally it’s hard to portray the ‘WWJD’ [what would Jesus do] act as young as myself.
People will talk about you, ridicule you, bring up your past against you, even backstab you; But you stand strong,  you fix your eyes on the cross, because thing is, we were never promised  a smooth road. Standing for Jesus, standing for this amazing God is hard but is worth every second of my life.  
Esther pictured with friends at the National Youth Leaders Camp held in Navoci Nadi on Jan 11-13, 2018
Yes, we have our own weaknesses but this doesn’t stop us from proclaiming God’s grace that we don’t deserve & his eternal love. I fell, I came back up, I failed, I came back up, again & again & again & again. A Champion doesn’t give up! 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (For when I am weak, then I am strong ). Try this God. Have a meaningful personal relationship with the risen Christ.
Believe me, he will use you for the greater things ahead of you, because he is doing so for me.💕✊//

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